Sunday, March 16, 2008

As my friend says... Update yo'self!

Hey everyone.

So I'm on the trail of tears from Blogger to Tumblr.

If you're one of the three people who subscribe to Channel Alex via RSS, please change the address to:



Friday, March 14, 2008

A $500 hammer from New Jersey

Richard Russo, author of Empire Falls and Independence Day, sheds some light on Spitzer's mind in today's Washington Post:

Before everything begins to unravel, Eliot confides to Rick that he's made a mess of things, betrayed everyone he loves, that he isn't even sure who he is anymore. But Rick will tell him not to be melodramatic. It's true he's made mistakes, big ones, Rick explains, but they aren't what Eliot thinks they are. Rick admits he's outraged that Eliot has spent $80,000 on prostitutes, because it shouldn't cost that much to get a little action in America. It's like one of those $500 Pentagon hammers. Downright wasteful. And why order a hammer from New Jersey and pay the shipping? There are perfectly good hammers in Washington -- it's a damned city of hammers when you think about it. Where on earth did Eliot get the idea that New Jersey hammers were superior? All he wanted to do was nail something, right?

I guess he wanted to nail a hammer from New Jersey?

probably my favorite moment from the last 8 seasons of The Bush Administration

the 40 million people who have watched this... can they be wrong?